Sunday, May 8, 2016

Emily Winters                                                                                                                     


I may have become numb
To the incessant hatred that thrums
Around my limbs
Cushioning my soul
A low whining buzz
Chainsaw melody
As the loss of life continues to rise
And there continues to be no clear definition
Of what is a crime

There seems to be a glorification of the past
A fierce longing
The delusion that there was something there
To which we must get back
Back to a world of black and white
Good and bad
But that was a world of white only
And this is a world of shoot first
Ask later

A trigger happy world
Filled with skittish people
Fearful society chained in place
By customs and expectations
Yet this is a society that questions
The norm and lives in color –
If that is what you want me to believe
Then why do we constantly adhere
To our old habit and beliefs
Old habits die hard

Terror grips us
And faith guides us to self-destruction
Faith guides us to illumination
Faith guides us to slaughter innocents
Is our message loud enough
Can you hear our pain
The sizzle of our collective flesh
Oozing from the pan towards the impending flames
These are our beliefs
A society who does nothing but retreat
Farther into the darkness
Deeper into the roots
Tracing our genealogy back into their caves
So that we don’t have to say
We can be change.

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