Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Emily Winters                                                                                                                  

“The Fallout”

What does it mean to hate?

It’s the heat
As it radiates from your skin;
The aroma that recalls a time
Of burnt holes in sweaters
And scorched fissures around my heart –
Aren’t we just a nuclear fallout?

We had our chance.
Nothing more than a lifeless shell,
A body without a soul –
Love is not something to hurt about,
Quaking in your boots with the fear
Of being found out -
Love is only a word.

When did all the feeling
Waste away?
The bitterness that’s sifted into my veins
And eating away at the pipes
As to let everything important and vital
Drain away,
Stole in between our sheets
And grew the brambles that stick and prod
Our entwined hands.

Is a disease
That infects the victim, the bystanders;
The unintentional casualties of the firefight of life
And escalated arguments that
Climax with spirit sparklers and scarlet fondue.
Hatred is the thing
That we swallow with sips of tea
And dainty fingers,
Surveying the passerby
With the careful appreciation of a
People savant –
The master of what to say
And how to walk;
When to love but never

Animosity and revulsion
Is the flower
That we sow
Every time we kiss;
The bomb buried as the
Aftermath is secured.

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