Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Emily Winters                                                                                                                     


(Is everything in my head)
We were something and this house
Had breath,
Shuddering around us as it laid us
To rest
Am I going down
The long path to a forgotten memory
A buried thought that is hiding somewhere in
A crevice, the folds of my brain
Sheltering the repressed the shudders
The breaths

Living thing
Roadkill walking away
Hitch-hiking one step at a time
In time with my hitching chest as I flail and
Fight with the air for my portioned share
Trying to comprehend this madness
That is life

Are we all mad here
A communal trip where we all
Suck the marrow out of life
And taste nothing but the acid at the end
Of the line the liner of the bucket
As the plastic gets all torn and my eyes
Go blind with the resurgence –
Waves threatening to whisk me away
To the bad time

Deep inside
Shoved behind the washer
Beneath the rug, my memories are
Collecting dust
But I like them there – can’t you see
That I do not want to see
What you have made me
Into this being of cruelty
The crude caricature, a child’s drawing of me

The repressed
Sheltering the breaths, the depressed
The mothers clutching their children
To their heaving breasts, covering their eyes
So that hopefully they have no time to see
The bad thing and hopefully maybe their brains
Won’t absorb the memories
And maybe the young won’t be burned
But did I imagine it all
That this house had breath that sailed like daggers
With each settle of its hindquarters and each creak
As the basement dug deeper into Hell

Do we all become mad when the memories
Rise to the surface

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